Exclusive Offers

Dive into exclusive offers and packages to make the most of your stay. Unlock unbeatable rates by selecting from our array of promotions. For seamless booking and instant confirmation, reserve directly through our website.

Chinese New Year Set

Celebrate the Year of the Snake with our exclusive Chinese New Year set! Featuring traditional treats, festive decor, and Yee Sang, this set brings prosperity, joy, and good fortune to your home.

Snake Year: A Huat-tastic Year! 蛇年大发 福运绵长!

Celebrate Chinese New Year in style with our exclusive hotel package! Enjoy luxurious accommodations, festive dining experiences featuring traditional dishes. This is your chance to embrace the spirit of prosperity and joy in a luxurious setting. Book now for an unforgettable Huat-tastic Year Celebration!

Stay & Play Package --- Par-fect Escape

Tee off in style with our exclusive Stay & Play Package - Par-fect Escape package! Enjoy luxurious accommodations and golf facilities. This package provides the perfect opportunity to relax and play on beautiful courses.

San Feng Prosperity Yee Sang

Ring in the Chinese New Year with our exclusive San Feng Prosperity Yee Sang! Packed with premium ingredients for the traditonal Prosperity Toss, this set brings good fortune, abundance, and joy to your celebrations.

Golden Joy High Tea Set

Celebrate the year of the snake with our exclusive Golden Joy High Tea Set! Whether you're celebrating with loved ones or enjoying a moment of serenity, this high tea set is the perfect way to usher in the New Year with style and grace.

Sweet Escape Romance

Embark on your adventure with us in our opulent suites, ideal for newlyweds. Commemorate your special moments with us as you celebrate each beloved anniversary. Delight in exceptional dining, awe-inspiring vistas, and tailored service

Let’s Celebrate Your Birthday, Anniversary & Romantic Rendezvous

Have an exceptional celebration with your loved ones and enjoy our special lunch or dinner package, inclusive of delectable cuisine and special decorations.